Mount Temple School – the school that Bono (the famous vocalist from U2) attended.

When we talked about education in Ireland, we promised to tell you, dear readers, about one of the Secondary schools in Ireland, and today we will fulfil our promise. Chosing the school was fairly easy. We decide to go with the school that our son goes to, Mount Temple School. We hope that our information on Mount Temple, gotten from different sources, will be as truthful as possible.

Mount Temple is the type of school that teaches children of different sexes and religions. We already talked about how, in Ireland, there are separate schools for children of different religions in our posts on the “First Holly Communion” and “Confirmation”. But in our opinion, we think that no matter what the religion in the school is, the amount of education received by the children doesn’t differ.

The Entrance to Mount Temple School

A perfect example of this is Mount Temple’s list of graduated students. The first person that comes to mind is the famous vocalist from U2 – Bono. But apart from Bono and the rest of his group, who also attended Mount Temple, there are a few other people who came to become famous graduates of Mount Temple.

For example the famous Irish author and poet, Christopher Nolan also attended Mount Temple. Born with severe handicaps, during his years in Mount Temple, he wrote his first book when he was fifteen years old. Since Christopher Nolan could only move his neck and eyes, we can only imagine the amount of support the school had to give Christopher in order for him to achieve this goal.

Linda Brunker, who became a famous sculptor, also managed to show off her talents during her years in Mount Temple, as did Kate Allen, who is currently studying in Washington, and presents high hopes in becoming an opera singer.

Mount Temple School in Dublin

Apart from hoping to uncover an artistic talent in its students, Mount Temple also tries to teach its students important qualities that most people should have; for example, kindness, compassion and understanding. A perfect example of these qualities being put into action in Mount Temple is the trip to the African country, Ghana that students organise so that they can help those living in poverty.

Students of transition year not only collect hygiene packs for children in Ghana, but also, during their two week stay in Ghana, help build a school for the children. This isn’t surprising since the Irish are known for their charity; we even talked about this subject in our posts about the celebration of “Daffodils Day in Ireland”, ”Motor race Dublin – Galway” and the work of the Irish charity ‘To Russia with Love’

Humbleness is also a very import quality in a person and is also thought in this school. For example, in Mount Temple, this shows in the way they treat all of the famous people that have gone through the school and in particular Bono (real name Paul David Hewson) and his group, U2.

Mount Temple School

Of course, during a visit you will be able to see the notice board where Larry Mullen but up the notice that he was forming a band and looking for members. You can even visit the place where U2 had their first rehearsals.

But what we didn’t see were posters or photographs of Larry Mullen, David ‘Edge’ Evans, Adam Clayton or even Bono. But we think this is correct since the school act like the famous artists are some sort of idols. The school shows the children that even simple, ordinary people can achieve greatness.

In Mount Temple School hall

Of course, in Mount Temple, they not only concentrate on arts and sport, but also on education. Upon meeting the teachers of Mount Temple and hearing our son’s stories about it, we understood that the students of Mount Temple have all the resources they need to show themselves academically.

In conclusion, so as to not disappoint fans of Bono and those who would like to find out more about him, we would like to suggest viewing our post on ‘Sir Arthur Guinness’, where you will hear about another place connected to Bono.